Production Blog: Still Making a Few Edits
Hello bloggers! As you know my group are very close to finishing up everything to our final task. We did both filming sessions which went well. We then reviewed the film and looked over a few things. After that we got a friend to review the film and give us feedback. After receiving the feedback we made improvements to the sequence. Trying new structures of the plot but it strayed too far from the original pitch and was confusing at times. Throughout this process I was getting increasingly frustrated which was obstructing my creative thinking. I took a break for a few days and rewatched the sequence again. I realized that I had been overthinking far too much in terms of what was actually wrong with my sequence. All it needed was a few seconds shaved off of it in order for the pacing and transitioning to make more sense. After coming to this realization, I immediately started looking for fluff in the sequence that was not relevant to the pitch or the progression of the sequence. I also kept in mind to be very careful as to not remove too much of the sequence as it would then be cut too short. I also kept in mind cutting out parts of dialogue that might make the rest of the sequence not make sense. I was essentially only trimming the corners of our sequence in order to create a refined product. I cut out a few seconds of the music and dancing during the driving to the campsite scene. This scene dragged out for far too long and had a terrible effect on the pacing of the film. I also cut out a few seconds of the eggs cooking as well as this also seemed pointlessly long. This helped fix the sequence and made me happy. But that is it for today, see ya later bloggers.
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