Production Blog
Hey guys, today is the second day I'll be speaking about what I've done so far for my commercial. So today I mainly continued doing a lot of things I did last time. For example, I was just reviewing the pictures and other things to see if that was what I really wanted to do. I also kept using the Cap Cut app to edit my pictures, videos, and songs for the commercial. As I was doing that I was looking into more templates and other editing features that could be possibly used. I have also made a group of friends to brainstorm different ideas for the project. This helped speed up a of things in the process of me making my commercial. I started to think about ideas of what I would do for my intro. The reason I'd want an intro segment is so that my audience can get a "taste" of what I'll be showing them. So for my intro I would most likely use a video of me and friends or family to give off a friendly vibe. To get my songs I just screen recorded them and then added them to Cap Cut so I could edit it from there. I'm still struggling with the order my photos are going to go in but I'll figure it out eventually. I also need to figure out when I'll use the songs in the commercial. I will say the process of screen recording the song was very annoying and sort of timing consuming. I also made more than one draft so I could test other designs out and pick out which edit would be the best. After I looked at some examples of commercials that are about a person so I could get a better idea. I tried using more effects and different transitions on the video to experiment. However most became too flashy and just didn't need to be so extra. But that was mostly what I was doing for my commercial. So yeah that is it for today, see ya later bloggers.
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