
Comparing Le Jetee , the short, and 12 Monkeys, the full-length movie

  Hey bloggers! We're back once again and today we will be comparing two different types of movies. One short and one full length. In this blog Le jetee will be the short film and 12 monkeys will be the full length movie. After taking my time and watching both films I was able to analyze specific information that sticked out to me. My takeaway about these two films is that both movies tell their stories in a way that jumps between the past, present, and future which made me more invested in both movies. It explores different ideas like memory, time, and the perspective of reality. These techniques that was presented in the film can assist me in my future short film by incorporati ng time jumps to catch the audiences attention and keep them on their toes. Another key point that I realized is that in the short film it uses only still photos to tell a story which differentiates from other short films. On the other hand the full length movie creates a futuristic vibe that matches the t...

Comparing 9, the short, and 9, the full-length movie

Hey bloggers! Today I will be watching , commenting , and comparing the short film 9 and the full length version of it  Short Film: While watching this short film I noticed that the quality of the film itself when it came to graphics were not great as and there is no dialogue between the characters in the film. This version was clearly a summarized version and only plays one of the characters flashbacks for a good amount of the film. The sounds from the film only come from the physical sound effects and nothing from the characters. Even when doll number 5 was laughing no sound was produced. The plot of the short film was when the doll's friend was killed and he had to survive on his own to complete whatever mission he had. The characters both are clearly different as the doll number five seems to be very experienced and has gone through things due to his scars. He is a much braver character as he was trying to protect the other doll from the beast and even tried to fight it. The o...

Genre Blog

  Genre blog:   The genre that me and my group mates chose is Thriller. The reason we chose this is because we all like the scary, suspenseful, and mysterious films. We find them very interesting to watch and fun to make. So we figured that if we find them interesting to watch, others do as well. We came to this conclusion by gathering a lot of ideas together. We talked about a few genres and pitches. And after a lot of talking we agreed on one of them and decided it was the most fun and interesting one.

Pitch Blog

    Pitch 1: A time-traveling person must deliver a message to save the future. A tragedy is gonna happen and will kill everyone. When he traveled to the future, he saw this, and when he tried to go back to tell everyone, he couldn't travel back into time. Pitch 2: Rich dad steals from daughters poor boyfriend and forces her to leave town with him. They boyfriend tries to stop it and a cop shows up with an arrest warrant for the girls father, the dad shoots her but blames him for murder. The girl and her boyfriend escape, and he tried to say that her dad framed him for a murder he didn't commit, but in that town, no one believed the poor. At the end, they find out that gun the bullet came from, is registered under the dads name. The first pitch is a good idea and sounds interesting, but it would be challenging to make. It would  be very hard to find and film something to make this pitch look interesting and enter taining. The second pitch and the one we decided to cho...

Group Blog

  Hello bloggers I'm back and have some news for you. Today I will start planning out my short film. I will have the help of my group to plan this out as we are doing it in a group. My group consists three people and they include me, Nick, and Constanza. I chose this group because not only am I friends with these three but I know I can count on them to work together and pull through with this project. My group got together and we started debating about what songs we would pick. We also have to the debate the kind of story we would tell. We also need to plan how the sequence will go. We have not chosen a genre yet . We had to consider many of the different styles we could use that would fit our skillset. We also debated on what different scenarios we would do for the video. We thought about where the different scenes would take place. We also took careful consideration of the props that were most likely available to us. Also had to think about possible costumes. We would also d...

Intro Blog

  Hello everybody my name is Joao Victor Nunes. I am back this year as s senior in high school and I would like to share some things about me. To start off I would for sure mention the fact that I love sports and physical activities. The sport that I love the most is soccer and its also the sport that I am best at. I enjoy exploring and finding out new things about the world as it gives me more things to be interested in. I love nature and animals because I just find things out in the wild beautiful and there are many things to see out there. I also have a  dog named Bruce and I love spending time with him because he takes away stress and also keeps me company. One of the many things I love about nature is the beach and the Ocean for sure. The ocean has many beautiful animals and is lovely itself while also holding many undiscovered mysteries. I enjoy playing video games a lot as I play with friends and it just bring me joy playing and having a good time. I love the winte...

Creative Critical Reflection

This is my video, thank you for watching!